Singapore Chinatown has Dim Sum |
Aside from an unexpected month in China, another in Cambodia, and a few weeks along the Mekong in Laos, I'd say all went well and to plan. But as six-months travel pass under my feet, my options become clear: Go home and work, go to Japan and work, or keep on truckin'. Instinct & desires compell me to travel further... "But to where?", I ask the little voice inside my head, "Where do we go now?" The response is clear; "You must pilgrim through the oldest and most populous nation on Earth. The ancicent civilization of India. The timing is right. The season is right. The location is right. The price is right. It's now or never. Carry on my Wayward Son, go on and get some!" So, like playing a little unexpected 10th-inning baseball, the game is tied and about to get exciting. We didn't order this but we'll take it.
I have purchased a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Sri Lanka for a ten-day vacation there before I delve into the South of India for six weeks. Hence, a jaunt from Thailand to India has given birth to some unforseen extra bonus travel in Malaysia, plus a side-trip to Singapore just because, and to Sri Lanka as a 'pre-India' warm-up. It's icing on the cake; above and beyond the original deal.
From here on out, all bets are off. My plan is out the window. I have done what I have set out to do and I don't know what will happen a day from now. We're flying blind, but with the wind. All I can do is jump into the saddle and live life moment to moment on this one. Time, money and health will dictate what happens from here on out. I'll keep you posted as reality unfolds itslef.
Batter Up.... Let's play some ball!!
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